Headshots and Personal Branding

Showcasing the very best you

A quality headshot conveys a message – your message – and can help you advance both your business and personal goals in the year ahead.
In a digital age, your first contact with a customer or client is not when you meet them in person. It’s not when they walk through the doors of your office or business. Chances are, they’ve already looked you up through the web and they’ve already started to form opinions on who you are and how you do what you do. If they’ve looked you up online, they want to know more.

College Grads

College grads who are looking to land that first big job can stand out among the competition by having a quality headshot. Why invest in a headshot when you can take your own photo? Because a casual selfie or an image of you cropped from a friend group will not communicate that you are serious, professional, and ready to enter the working world. Recruiters often sift through hundreds of fledgling resumes from college grads. Having a professional headshot helps you make an important first impression. It shows potential employers that you are career-minded, organized and care about your appearance.